Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mowing The Lawn

So now that spring is here and the grass is growing like crazy I have needed to mow the grass so bad. I have a lawn mower and all the stuff to mow with but I just didnt know how. I have never mowed the grass before in my life. Just not something you have to do in Arizona. Plus my dad and little brother always did it for us.. 

Well I had been having a lawn guy come mow the lawn, I paid him in a case of beer evertime he mowed. Well a cases of beer starts to add up and I knew it couldnt be THAT hard to mow. So I went out to the lawn mower and tried to start it, Which I could but it was out of gas. i asked my nice lawn guy if I paid him one more time to mow the lawn if he would fill up the mower for me. He said he would. The next week I got out there, started it up and mowed my own grass!!! 26 years old first time mowing the grass. Go me. I also trimmed the bushes and the trees. the only thing Im still kind of afraid to do is use the weed eater for the edges of the grass... Maybe next year. 
Before on the left, After on the right!


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