Monday, April 15, 2013

Austin - Lets get Weird!

So I havent seen Jake in almost a month and honestly it starts to wear on me! Its so difficult being away from someone that you want no more than to just be at their side. The first week of being away, not so bad because you just saw them the weekend before. The second week, a little harder and pretty miserable. The third week the butterflies start again because you know in just a few short days you get to see each other again.

I had never been down to Austin yet, and I've lived here for almost a year now! So when Jake said he was going to come in town I decided it would be fun to go to Austin. Originally I had planned on going up to the Nascar race and doing that but he's not into all that like I am. Austin sounded way more fun anyway.

On Friday when he got in it was nice because he came in earlier than normal around 6pm. I got all dressed up in my cute little dress and heels and just waited for him by the luggage area. We have done this pick up from the airport thing I dont know how many times now but I still get palm sweaty nervous like!!!! At dfw you can see into the gate area before the people come out to the luggage area and I saw him from a mile away, he didnt see me though! I couldnt wait for a hug and a kiss. sigh. and here he is again in my arms!! Feels so good! I know when I get nervous I get goofy and laugh like a little girl so I was most definitely doing that.

We got to the truck and wanted to figure out where we could go eat dinner! We ended up at Boomerjacks in the Highlands. We sat out on the patio because it was pretty nice outside. It started getting a little chilly though. We had planned to go up to Randy Rogers concert that night but it was too cold in my dress so we went home and hung out instead.

In the morning we got up, made breakfast, and headed out to Austin. We were staying at the Hilton Austin, I couldnt wait to lay out by the pool. Thats all I wanted to do. Lay by the pool sip some drinks and be happy that my man was there with me.

3 hour drive later (I thought it was way closer or I wouldnt have planned that... whoops).... We get to the hotel only to find out that the pool is closed!!! WHAT?! I was so upset! That was the only reason I picked that hotel in the first place. They didnt do anything to accommodate us or apologize, but then again Jake didnt let me go complain like I normally would have. I feel entitled to what I paid for and these jerks at the hotel didnt even so much as offer us a free water for our troubles. Grr! See if I stay there again.

Other than that little snafu we had a great time down there. We started bar hopping a little to early though because it was time to go home at midnight! haha

Awww! Might have been a little chilly for the pool anyway!

Starting to get busy!

Feelin the love! <3

Gosh we're Cute!

That weekend was fun but there was just way too much driving involved! I dont feel like we really got to spend much quality time together. Maybe soon we can have a weekend just us, not do anything except for just hang out... BUT probably wont happen, too much fun stuff to do!! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Beast is Mine

So I did it. I decided against buying a house and paid off the truck aka the beast aka black betty. Whatever you wanna call her. But she is ALL mine. 

So many memories in this truck of MINE, still running like a champ 120k miles later. Shes got a few little quirks but still makes me smile every time I look her!! 

Pat myself on the back for being able to buy a truck, finance it and pay it off all on my own. There were times when I wanted to give up, but I dreamed of driving this thing and now I have it all to myself. 

I dont know why, most girls want a cute little car but not me! Give me the beast!!! Rarrr!!!!

I'll teach you one little thing tho, just because I dont have a payment anymore, doesnt mean I am going to stop making that payment and just blow the money... I just added that 300 some ridiculous dollars I was paying to my savings deposit every month. My piggy bank is finally starting to grow. 

This has probably been one of the best decisions I have made and I am more than happy about it, if you couldnt tell with all the exclamation points.

Still as Sexy as the day I bought her! 

So happy about that, oh and guess what else couldnt make me happier. My most amazing sweet wonderful boyfriend comes in town this weekend! eeeeeee! Life is good! 

Friday, April 5, 2013

House Hunting - The Finale

Well. Things didn't go as I planned. I put a lot of thought into the purchase of a home and not only have I not found the perfect home, I have decided that I am just not ready to make that big of a step.

There are a lot of factors that have changed my mind, one being that I still have some pretty big bills, my truck payment being one of them, and a credit card that doest ever seem to go down.

Lets say I buy a house in Texas, I don't plan on being in Texas my whole life, who is going to keep an eye on this house, even if it is an investment. What if there is some emergency and I need to be there for, Im not financially in a place where I could take care of it. Not now anyway.

Third reason is... I dont even really want to be living in Texas too much longer. It has been wearing on me and granted I really like it here just dont see myself being here for much longer. The only reason I know I have to be here is for work. I have made a commitment to stay here for another year and I will keep that promise.

Lastly, although this is one of the last and reasons. And dont really want to admit it I think that a special someone is pulling on my heart strings, just a little bit, to keep me motivated to move out of Texas sooner than later. Its funny how in February we talk about, can we keep the long distance going and we say we can if its for a year or so but then I am here trying to buy a house. That doesnt make sense. Maybe I am making a decision from my heart and not my head but I know deep down I am not ready to be a homeowner. Even if I were, I dont think it would be good for me to buy a home in a state I have very few friends, no family and no desire to live in for a long time......

The best thing I could possibly do is to just pay my truck off. Keep making the "payments" back to myself to my savings, then pay off my credit card, keep making that payment and the truck payment back to myself and then start chipping away at those good ol' Student Loans! Ugh!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Indy the Flower Girl

So apparently my dog does NOT like when I get flowers. Whether it be ripping up the boxes that they came in or eating every single entire flower out of the vase, she just does not like it when mommy gets flowers.

So I left Indy at home for about 15 minutes after work one day to go  to the grocery store. Before I even got to the grocery store I realized I had forgotten something and went back. By the time I had gotten back the wonderful little dog she is... knocked the vase off the counter, onto the floor (not sure why it didnt break), and proceeded to eat every single last flower, stem and leaf. There wasnt a thing left. I freaked out because I dont know if tulips are poisonous to dogs, I call my vet in AZ because I know they would still be open since it was after 5 here in TX. They told me that I needed to induce vomitting and make her get rid of all the tulips she ate. Awwww poor baby. They told me for her size to give her about a tablespoon full of hydrogen peroxide. 

That was probably one of the most awful things I have ever seen, within about 30 seconds she was puking, all the flowers came up and then she just kept dry heaving. I felt so bad for her and she was so unhappy with me at that point. Poor girl jut laid around the rest of the night with a tummy ache. 

Indy the Flower Girl

Valentines Day Flowers - Box Destroyed

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter Yall!

Happy Easter Yall!

This year was a little different. I was stuck in Texas because the plane tickets back home were just way to expensive. The first time since probably I was born that I can remember missing the Easter picnic in Tucson.

I got up in the morning and went to church at St. Jude's, their church is gorgeous, it was the first time I had been... I  know shame on me, but I just didnt want to go to church by myself! I sucked it up and went over there and it was such a nice little service. They had the children's choir sing the entire mass. They were so cute and the solos were the best!

After church I came home feeling pretty good and got on Skype with my mom. She was down in Tuscon with everyone. I got to see my grandparents, my aunts, uncles, my brother and ALL of my cousins. It definitely wasnt the same as getting to give them big hugs but it still felt like I was there a little bit.

After that I went over to John and Leah's house because they had invited me over for easter lunch/dinner. It was good to just get to hang out with them. We ate all day long! Brisket and mixed veggies. So much food and sooooo good. Sat on the couch to watch some March Maddness but it was hard to stay awake after all the food we ate. I ended up going home and watching some tv and just relaxing for the night.

Earlier this week I got something super special from a special someone. I dont know what I do to deserve this. I got home and on the doorstep was a bunch of flowers. "Just because/Easter" flowers from Jake. And then I went to check the mail and had a little gift from my mom for easter. I was definitely feeling the love that day!

Flowers from Jake on the Left and the Sandals, dress and card from my mom on the right <3