Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Little Update...

So I pretty much didnt update this for a while. Too much going on, and frankly just too dang lazy. I still have yet to finish the Europe blog... OOOPS! (I will though)

Anyway, little update. Still here in Texas still loving it. Justin and I decided to part ways and he is headed back to Arizona. What an adventure we had :) I have not a single bad thing to say about the man, just we didnt work out. Fate brought us together, fate took us apart. Its just time to start a new chapter in both of our lives and I sincerely hope the best for the both of us.

On a lighter note, Thanksgiving is coming up and I cant wait to go home to see the family. I Was there just a few weeks ago for the most gorgeous wedding for my dear friends Steve and Stephanie Fromm. What a blast, and a few weeks before that, Vegas for the bachelor/bachelorette parties. Needless to say that was probably one of the best weekends I have ever had in Vegas, with the exception that I came home with the most awful stomach ache! Its taken about a month to get over! Too much drinking I think... oopsie daisy, maybe its stress, who knows, probably both.

Other than that just been hanging out a home living life. This week im going to try out a traditional korean bathhouse! They have one in Dallas, worth a try, gonna get a massage and relax from this hectic-ness that has been going on in the last week.

I will try to do my best to post some pictures of the wedding/bachelorette party and other things we've done. Like memorial day when my mom came in town and some other stuff, just not so easy now that its been so long. Plus how do you write about the fun you had with your significant other when they are no longer that. hmmmf. Maybe i will just say the last few months have been a few that I will never forget and I am a lucky girl to have experienced them.... Oh yeah, and God Bless Texas, Ya'll. LOL