Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chrapek Wedding :)

Back to Indy I go. Yet again. But this time for the much anticipated Chrapek wedding! I Cant WAIT to see Mrs. Alicia in her gorgeous wedding gown!!! You go girl! 

Well there has been a lot happen between now and the last time I was in indy. When I got back. I thought, you know, Jake is right, this long distance thing is too hard. We cant do it. I was considering leaving my job so I could move to Indy to be with him. I would have left in a heartbeat with the exception that I've made a promise and a commitment to my boss and I cant break that.

 So I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should I keep this thing going with jake long distance, or just let it go and maybe one day move out to indy and hope that we could be together. I decided to let go. HOLY HELL! That was a LOT harder than I thought it was going to be. I cried like a child missing their mommy!!! What in the heck is wrong with me! I'm a big girl, I can handle a break up! Oh wait, no, no I cant... Because shortly after I told Jake we couldnt be together, he decided he wasnt going to let that happen. Great! We're a mess. 

But on a good note. I talked to my boss about it and he said that within the next year, by April, we can have my assistant doing all of my work and I can move wherever it is I need to move. Indy, Arizona, wherever. It made me so much happier knowing that I can get the heck out of Texas. I told jake about it and we were excited to know that in less than a year I could be in Indiana and be with him. It was a relief. Lots of stress was gone and I just finally felt good about us for the first time in a while. Back on my happy high again!!! 

We are Super Hott! 

Fun at the wedding! 
Sarah Brought Mustaches! 
My Dates! Oh yeah! I had two! 

Phil!!! You look Skinny!!! love you! 

Ask me why I have no pictures of the bride. Well its because I was being a sour puss at the wedding. I danced my little heart out, got too drunk and said some very not nice things to the one person I have been trying to make it work with for the past month. What in the heck is wrong with me!!! UGH! Ended up going home. Not staying with Jake and going to get my stuff from his house the next morning. Funny how you can go to a wedding, have this new beautiful relationship begin, they are starting their lives together, and we cant even make it through a weekend together. Thats probably going to be the end of that. Maybe its for the best but my heart hurts!!!

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