I finally graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration. This day was a little hectic. The night before we went to pick up my boss and his wife from the airport around midnight. Needless to say we were already exhausted from packing and we had been sleeping on a futon mattress for the past few days because all of our stuff was packed up and on its way to Texas. In the morning of the graduation we all got up to eat breakfast and I took my precious time getting ready while everyone chatted, I was upstairs getting a little bit nervous. I was about to walk across the stage to get the degree that I have been working for.
Got a degree, baybeeee!!! |
About two hours before we were even supposed to be on campus I got a text from my dad saying that he was so excited he was already there waiting for us, that he was so proud that he couldn't wait. Made me calm down a little bit but I was still feeling pretty antsy. As we were driving there I was thinking how embarrassing it would be to fall on the stage. Luckily, I got it over ahead of time and as we were walking in my heel on my new shoes caught a crack and I hit the ground. Scraped my knee a little bit but other than that, I was good to go!

At first I was nervous when I walked into the area where all the graduates were, I couldn't find the spot where I was supposed to be. After talking to mane 5 or 6 people in charge I finally found my name card and got in line. The longer we waited the more nervous I got and the more hot it got. I swear that room was 90 degrees and under the cap and gown I was drenched in sweat. As we walked around the building to go into the arena everything came to reality. Wow! I did it, I was really graduating. It was hard to believe but I was so proud of myself and then I saw my entire family and the people that mean the most to me waving and cheering me on. I'll be honest, I was a little teary-eyed.
Ugh they caught me. Holding back the tears. |
Throughout the ceremony I kept looking up at my family and had to fight back the tears, the way that they sat up in their seats a little straighter and more proud was a really good feeling. Then it came time for me to walk across the stage. What a blur. It went so fast! Shake hand, take 2 steps, shake hand, receive diploma, walk 2 more steps, shake hand, smile for the camera, 2 more steps, smile again. It was crazy but I am SO glad to be done with school what a relief. Next step...Texas, in 6 days I will be getting in the truck an on the way.
My Number One Supporters! |
John Mints, his wife Leah and Me
See ya guys in Texas soon! |
Their first grandchild to get a Bachelors Degree! |
Tiffani got on the Big Screen! Woooo! |
Oh and on a side note, thank you for everyone who came out to my graduation and going away party, I had a blast. We all have such great memories together and I can't wait to share more. Ps you girls that made me cry, you stink! Although I wasn't getting teary with you it was killin' me on the inside to see you with tears. I love you ALL! We'll be back in November!
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