Monday, February 18, 2013

February is for Lovers

It's also for my birthday! Happy 26th Birthday to me! Nothing special for that birthday, John, Leah and some of my friends all went out for dinner at Houlihans in Arlington for my birthday. Got a nice steak dinner. It was fun but it wasnt the same without my mom and dad there!! But lucky me I found a cheap flight out to AZ on the 15th so I only missed out a few day.

Guess who else found a flight out there with me :) Jake!! Gosh I am one lucky girl! We met at the airport in Phoenix and the butterflies and happiness was there but MORE than the last time. Did i mention we have probably text each other 6,000 texts in the last 2 months, and endless hours on the phone. Kind of Insane but it was good to be home and even better to have Jake with me. My mom, Ahmad and my brother came to pick us up and back to my moms new house. We hung out and talked with them for a little while and went straight to bed. We had a big day the next day. In the morning we were leaving for Sunrise to ski and board for 2 days! yeah!!! We left the next morning around 8am and got up to the mountain at about 1pm.

Sunrise! We made it! 

 Jake, Me and My Brother, David
 The whole gang having lunch... 

 At the top of the mountain :) 
 On the way home, purple mountain majesty! 
 Pretty dang Happy!!!
"Take my picture by this cactus"

It was such a good weekend. Got to spend a lot of time with some friends, my brother and Jake. Couldnt have been a more special weekend. Cant wait for next month until I get to go to Indiana for St. Patricks day!